Sunday, October 22, 2006


Wow, it's been so long since I have posted any pictures. The time is just flying by us and the kids are into more and more events. Mackenzie is on her last soccer game halloween weekend. She just started Tae Kwon Do & goes 3 days a week. She seems to really enjoy it a great deal. She'll be 5 on tuesday...I can't beleive how fast time goes. Elijah is talking up a storm and getting into more and more trouble everyday. He is in his TERRIBLE TWO's NOW...My grey hair is coming in faster and faster. The other day I happend to have left the peanut butter out and he opend it up, dug both hands in and came running into the living room waving his hands around in the air happier then a calm and so proud. I wanted to shoot him with peanut butter all over the wasn't pretty. Prior to that the day before he got into the cereal box and emptied the entire box on the kitchen floor. Day before that he did not want his yogurt anymore so he dumped the remaining bottle on the floor.I could keep you laughing but it just gets my blood going. Back in September Mackenzie had Disney day so she was Cinderella and got to wear her dress up clothing all day long. Elijah had popcorn day at school and got to paint with popcorn in a nylon stocking and then also got to watch how popcorn pops. We also took the kids to several minor league baseball games. One of which my sister's came with and we had a great time. Hope your doing well, I"ll keep this more updated..sorry!!

1 comment:

Christina Hubbard - Creative and Free said...

Don't you just love the food all over the place? Your kids just get cuter every day! Hugs! --Christina Hubbard