Monday, May 21, 2007

Mother's Day Weekend

We took Elijah & Mac to Disneyland. Our first visit was Goofy's Kitchen where the kids got to dance with Goofy & other characters. We had a nice brunch and then headed down into Disneyland. We met up w/Sara and the girls & had a BLAST. Hope you enjoy the pictures cause we had a blast taking them and just hanging out for the entire day.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Storm Opening Baseball Game April 14, 2007

GirlsSoftballAssociation (GSA) was able to walk on the field with there banners. If you look closely you'll see mackeznie walking in her pink shoes. Rob got to through one of the game balls out as well. You'll see Rob & Elijah trying to catch fly balls in there gloves hanging over the balcony. (don't laugh my friend Sara got a ball to the back of her head in this game..way to stop the ball sara) Alissa & Mackenzie have the same color uniforms, so I thought this picture was cute.Grandma and the kids where playing inside the suit, apprently the game wasn't fun enough for them at the time.

Valentino Visit

Two weeks ago we went up to Simi Valley and stayed with Laurie Valention (aka - Guttman). The kids had a blast, and the boys couldn't get enough of each other. Elijah was in heavin being able to play with Xander & Henderix all day long. Mackenzie got to play hair dresser w/Laurie & had a great time. Laurie and where able to visit and just let the kids be kids.

Monday, April 02, 2007

Gardening with "the greats"

Aunt Marietta & Uncle Mark have a beautiful house in Long Beach. Aunt Marietta LOVES gardening and has built a fairy house to the children along with some new gardening boxes. Couple months ago "the greats" as we all call them got to plant seeds in Aunt Marietta's gardening boxes. Here are some pictures of what has grow to date. We have Broccoli that Elijah planted, Strawberry's & Carrots that Mackenzie planted & Madison planted I believe Parsley & Lettuce. Aunt Marietta & Mackenzie did some gardening and pulling of carrots so the carrots can grow big and strong. Uncle Mark went out and got the kids HUGE EASTER EGGS that you put in the front yard ( he's a kid him self). Hope you enjoy the pictures as much as the kids enjoyed the gardening.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Tae Kwon Do - TEST

Mackenzie had her first Tiger Cub Test. She did a great job & should be getting her first award next Friday night March 30. It was great to watch some of the older kids spar & test, so she can see what's in store for her come June. Sorry for the bad quality of pictures but I don't have a zoom on my camera, has zoom but it doesn't get close up the way I was hoping too. The tall man is the owner/head instructor, the blond kneeling down is Mackenzie instructor.

Monday, March 19, 2007

Mackenzie playing softball

Mackenzie is playing softball this year for the first time. It's actually G.S.A - TBALL and it's so very cute. When the girls get up to bat they get 6 pitches from there own coach, if they can't hit from the coach a TEE is brought out and they have to hit off the tee. Each girl gets up to bat and they all run the bases. Mackenzie seems to really be enjoying it a great deal. Grandma & Papa Dockery came out on Saturday to watch her play. Papa let her get her helmet air bushes, (it's pretty cool...I never had that in my day..oye I think I just aged my Bubby & Grandpa also bought Mac a new softball glove. Which came in very handy cause now she doesn't have to use her brother's glove. Thank you to both grandparents. Elijah loves the park cause he can go on the swings which is his favorite park of a park. Sunday's we take Mackenzie out and play some catch and do some hitting. (who know's maybe we wont have to pay for college). It's fun for now and that's what's important. On Wednesday Mackenzie is testing for her very first belt for TAE KWON DO. I"ll let you know how she does. Elijah will be able to take part when he turns 3yrs. Soon, but not soon enough.

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Splish Splash

Splish Splash Mackenzie & Elijah are taking a bath. The kids has some fun in the tub. Well Elijah I think had more fun dumping water on his sister's head. Listen to your childs laughter is the greatest medicine anyone could ever prescribe.