Monday, March 19, 2007

Mackenzie playing softball

Mackenzie is playing softball this year for the first time. It's actually G.S.A - TBALL and it's so very cute. When the girls get up to bat they get 6 pitches from there own coach, if they can't hit from the coach a TEE is brought out and they have to hit off the tee. Each girl gets up to bat and they all run the bases. Mackenzie seems to really be enjoying it a great deal. Grandma & Papa Dockery came out on Saturday to watch her play. Papa let her get her helmet air bushes, (it's pretty cool...I never had that in my day..oye I think I just aged my Bubby & Grandpa also bought Mac a new softball glove. Which came in very handy cause now she doesn't have to use her brother's glove. Thank you to both grandparents. Elijah loves the park cause he can go on the swings which is his favorite park of a park. Sunday's we take Mackenzie out and play some catch and do some hitting. (who know's maybe we wont have to pay for college). It's fun for now and that's what's important. On Wednesday Mackenzie is testing for her very first belt for TAE KWON DO. I"ll let you know how she does. Elijah will be able to take part when he turns 3yrs. Soon, but not soon enough.


Anonymous said...

These are so great...I can't believe this is the same cute little girl I went to see in the hospital the day she was born!! Time just flies by way too fast!
Love to all....

Miss you....

Randi said...

Mac you look great! You are such a big girl. I love you XOXOXOXOXO