Thursday, December 21, 2006

Great Grandma Visit Dec 2006

Yesterday we took a drive out to see grandma with my mom. As usual the drive was LONG but so worth the trip. As you can tell the look on her face say's it all. Grandma showed us her "HOT HOUSE" where they get to grow flowers and do a little gardening, she seemed to be very excited about it and loved showing the kids. Other then the fact that age is playing a big role she is doing well health wise. She was very excited to show the kids off to all her friends. The last picture is of Mackenzie taking a picture of her self. Do you think she loves taking pictures?
Hope you enjoy the pictures!

Friday, December 15, 2006

Father Daughter Dance

Tonight Mackenzie had her first father daughter dance. When we left to go off track (we are a year round school, the dance was SOCK HOP) however something inside me said you better call the school and double check everything. Well, good thing I did cause the front desk told me, Oh it's SEMI FORMAL, dinner included, photo included. I said, holly cow I was gonna send them of in 50's attire...fewwwwwww good thing I double I"M not sure who was more excited Joe or Mackenzie. Joe came home "early" which is rare and Mackenzie couldn't wait to take a shower and get dressed. But, the night was a hit and they both had a nice time. Hope you enjoy the pictures, there are a few of Elijah and yes he's NAKED. I was getting ready to change him when he wanted to jump into the pictures too...oh well gotta love little kids.

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Pretty as a Princess....

Ok brace your self...I just about fell off my chair when they came into my room....what do you think?

Halloween 2006

We headed over to our friends house, haD some dinner and then headed out the door to TRICK OR TREAT. Jenna was DORTHY, Hanna was a RAIDERS CHEERLEADER, Mackenzie was 50's GIRL & Elijah was cowboy.They all had a blast!! In our neighborhood there are TONS of kids and the adults follow in there golf carts. People are sitting out side with there fire pits, playing music drinking coffee or just visiting with friends. Hope you had a safe and fun night as we did. Oh and Elijah passed out by 8pm in the stroller.

Monday, October 30, 2006

Mackenzie's 5

It's official we have a 5yr old and she's doing GREAT!! Not only did Mackenzie get well marks on her report card and parent teacher conference. But, she also got very high rating from her doctor. Dr. Pumphery's was very pleased with her weight 38lbs and her height 41". She does have a cough and cold apprently it's turned into broncitias so she's on a cough medicine for night and Zithromax antibiotic. For all you parents out there that worry your kids not getting enough to eat, he did tell me kids stomachs are the size of birds. Just make sure there eating fruits, veggies, water, milk, nuts & seeds and they'll be fine. He said, we have small kids, NOT TINY just small. He wasn't concerned at all with her growing pains, but we are gonna do an xray just to make sure there isn't any early childhood arthritias. That's it for now here's some pictures of your favorite 5yr old.

Sunday, October 22, 2006


Wow, it's been so long since I have posted any pictures. The time is just flying by us and the kids are into more and more events. Mackenzie is on her last soccer game halloween weekend. She just started Tae Kwon Do & goes 3 days a week. She seems to really enjoy it a great deal. She'll be 5 on tuesday...I can't beleive how fast time goes. Elijah is talking up a storm and getting into more and more trouble everyday. He is in his TERRIBLE TWO's NOW...My grey hair is coming in faster and faster. The other day I happend to have left the peanut butter out and he opend it up, dug both hands in and came running into the living room waving his hands around in the air happier then a calm and so proud. I wanted to shoot him with peanut butter all over the wasn't pretty. Prior to that the day before he got into the cereal box and emptied the entire box on the kitchen floor. Day before that he did not want his yogurt anymore so he dumped the remaining bottle on the floor.I could keep you laughing but it just gets my blood going. Back in September Mackenzie had Disney day so she was Cinderella and got to wear her dress up clothing all day long. Elijah had popcorn day at school and got to paint with popcorn in a nylon stocking and then also got to watch how popcorn pops. We also took the kids to several minor league baseball games. One of which my sister's came with and we had a great time. Hope your doing well, I"ll keep this more updated..sorry!!

Saturday, August 19, 2006

1st Soccer Game

Mackenzie had her first soccer game today, SATURDAY. She was so excited she woke up around 7am and BOUNCING OFF THE WALLS. Mackenzie did awesome for her first game. She scored one goal did a great deal of ball kicking, AND HAD FUN. (If your looking for her in the pictures she's #2). Which is the best part. It was nice cause mommy got to sit on the side lines and watch. If your interested in seeing one of Mackenzie's games let me know and I"ll make sure you get a schedual.

Monday, July 10, 2006

1st Day of Kindergarden

Mackenzie had her 1st day of kindergarden. It stared off by waking @ 6am, taking shower, drying her hair, getting dressed and have a breakfast. We then all drove her to school and she was the first to arrive in her class. Mrs. Duvoshall took her by the hand and led her to her chair. There wasn't a tear in her eye. Joe, Elijah and I walked back to the car and it wasn't until after we stared to drive away the tears rolled down my face. When I picked her up @11:15am she had a smile on her face ear to ear. She told "BUBBY" and I all about her day and how wonderful it was. It was so nice to hear the joy in her voice. This is week is more of an introduction of getting to know the kids, I"ll update you more soon.